Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Volume 8 - Pierre Bauduin

Volume 8 - Pierre Bauduin

Hello my friends, Dirtyde here and we have another drummer to check out.
1st off, he is a fellow Soultone Artist but there is no bias here. (cough)
This interesting fellow isn't just a drummer but an entertainment businessman, proving that drummers are the smartest of the bunch - wink wink.
He hails from Brussels and we're going to find out if he has the muscles to Talk Chop.

Name or Stage Name: Pierre Bauduin

Where are you from? I’m from Brussels, Belgium.

How long have you been playing? I start playing drums at the age of 8. And after 16 years, it’s always a pleasure !

What is or are your main genre of playing? I play lot of different kind of music ! Rock, Pop, Hardcore, Metal Core.

How did you get where you are now? I’ve still so many things to learn but for now, I just play as much as I can, listen to other drums on YouTube and I did a complete courses in classical percussion's at music school during 10 years.

What are your goals, short & long term? Have fun. Whatever you do, always take some pleasure to do it. If you don’t, stop it. Short them, I’d say put online my first drum covers and hope people will like it. I don’t wanna be famous, just share my passion with people who have the same passion.

Artists you would like to play for? So many… The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stick To Your Guns, Parkway Drive, Guns N Roses, Papa Roach, Foo Fighters and many more I forgot.

List some of your accomplishments : I had the chance to play with international bands I love like First Blood or Alaska and also with so many great bands from our local scene here in Belgium : Suasion, Down To Insanity, Now Voyayer… I’m also endorsed by Soultone Cymbals since 2 years !

Do you have your own band? I played in lot of bands in different kind of music : No Way (punk-rock), My Princess Is A Whore (nu-metal), Sleeping Death (hardcore), Watch The Prey (metalcore), Home Cover Here (cover band) and other stuff like a jazz-band for 3 years.

Home Cover Here - (Blur Cover)

Do you play any other instruments? As I study classical percussion, I can also play marimba – my favourite instrument to play after the drums –, timbals, djembe… etc. I’d love to play bass guitar too

What are your touring experiences, if any? I played several shows in Belgium but never touring. Maybe for the next year ?! Who knows !

Describe your current set up & gear - heads and sticks included and why you choose these items? I play on the same Pearl since 2002. There’re only the kick and the 2 toms (12” – 16”) left from the basic kit. I put Evans EC2 on the toms and an Aquarian Superkick II on the kick. It sounds great really ! It’s a low-cost drum so I’ve to put thick heads. But it sounds good to me ! All my hardware is from Tama : RoadPro stands for cymbals and snare and Iron Cobra for the pedals. Solid, never had any problems. For the cymbals, I’ve my own signature series by Soultone all in the Extreme Series : charley 14”, crash 17” and 19”, ride 21” and a unique china 6-holes which is my favourite in the set ! And I use the Vater 5A Los Angeles since 2006. I try some Vic Firth and Promark but I only trust Vater. If they hear me, they can suggest me a sponsoring contract. ! Oh, I forgot my snare : the same since July 2007, the Pearl Chad Smith Signature with a Remo Emperor X on it (yes, I know…). I cut everything with this, sounds fat and powerful !

Do you have multiple kits and snares? No, it’s my only kit and snare.

Which wood shells do you prefer? I love the mix birch / Bubinga, like on the Tama Starclassic.

What would be your ideal gear setup? Tama Starclassic Performer Birch / Bubinga for sure ! A configuration like 22*18, 10*8, 12*9, 14*14 (left), 16*16 and 18*16. For the snare, my own one from SJC Custom in steel and 14*6. For the cymbals, all in Meinl, I love the series MB20 : hi-hat 14”, hi-hat 12” (right), crash in 17”, 18” and 19”, ride in 22”, china 15”, china 19” and some stacks. And still my Iron Cobra pedals !

How do you describe your drumming style? I’d say rock, groovy, well-structured and powerful. As I learn drums at music school, I got a very classic teaching. But I try to walk away for this.

Why the drums? My parents wanted me to play an instrument like my brother and sister. They both chose piano. But I’ve always been different for them. We go to music school to see the exams and I just fall in love for the drums ! I begin the year after and I love it ! I discover this year the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the amazing Chad Smith, still the best drummer ever for me.

If you weren’t playing drums, what would you be doing? That’s a very good question… not singing, for sure ! I’d say play bass guitar. I love got a groovy sound. Music is a big part of my life now, I can’t imagine live without. I organize shows also since 5 years and work for a musical webzine. And met my girlfriend 6 years ago at a show !

How has drumming impacted or changed your life? It completely changed my life ! I can’t say how could be my life now if I didn’t learn drums. I can’t thank enough my parents for this ! Even if they’d prefer I choose piano or flute… Everything turns around drums and music now.

Is the music business your career? Yes, for sure. But not as drummer. More as an organizer.

Are you involved in the local music scene in your hometown? Oh yes ! As I said, I organize shows myself through Hurricane Bookings (www.facebook.com/Hurricane.Bookings) and I book all the bands from Brussels minimum once ! Also help the other bands from the rest of the country. Do albums reviews and interviews for them too.

Name 5 of your drumming influences? why? First of all, Chad Smith, I really discover music with him in 1999 with the album Californication from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. His groove is just awesome. Thomas Lang is for sure the drummer I’ve checked the most on YouTube, what he can do with all his pedals is incredible ! Like lot of kids, Mister Dave Grohl, the legend. The metal drummer who influenced me the most is Joey Jordison when he was in SlipKnot. And to complete the list : Cobus, the best cover-drummer on YouTube for me. I know him since the beginning and still love what he does in 2015. His method to play new groovy pattern on these songs is very well done !
Name an inspiring concert that made you want to go home and start shedding? When I see show with drummer I love, I’m like “He is so good and I’m so bad, I don’t wanna play drums anymore” and I don’t play drums for real during like one week. But I’m more mature now and when I see great drummers, it’s a new motivation and I try to play what he does. The most inspiring concert ever for me is the live DVD at Slane Castle from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, a true masterpiece ! I’ve seen it a few hundred time now…

How much time do you practice? Actually, it’s very difficult to practice as I’m school until 6pm everyday and I have shitty neighbors. So I play the most in rehearsal or during the weekend. But normally it’s minimum one hour each day. I know I should do more but it’s difficult when you leave in city.
Describe your current gig(s) I play in hardcore and metal bands so it’s very underground. Small stage, intense shows and not a stage monitor every time. It’s a little bit difficult but that’s the life, you do with it !
Do you record drum videos of yourself? why? how has it helped you? Sometimes I record some drum videos, yes. I can see easily what’s wrong. I buy this year the new GoPro to record all my gigs so I can check out the good and also the bad things. Check out if I was always on the good tempo. And I just start record drum covers, curious to see how it will be !

Home Cover Here - Blink 182 Cover

Are you into electronic drums? When it’s a good one, it’s cool, you can do so much things ! I’d like to have a hybrid set up : Roland TD-20 for drums with real cymbals Meinl !

Do you program drums? Nope.
Are you a songwriter as well? Unfortunately not…
Do you sing and play? I can’t sing. I could but you’ll hate it !
Do you prefer studio sessions, local live gigs or touring? I love both. Record studio sessions are cool because you play drums all the day and have good quality recording of what you play. And concert is the main thing in the music.
Do you prefer being in a band (artist) or being a sideman? Being in a band, for sure ! Play together, jam, play your own songs when you’re proud of them, it’s the best !
Do you have a crazy or interesting gig you can share with us? When I played the last show with my cover band in 2013 (a little show during the Summer holidays in front of 50 crazy people), I had 2 propositions to play in a new band right after the set. I just finished one project and boom, 2 new ones on the same night !

What are your words of wisdom for your fellow drummers out there? Practice everyday as more as you can but never forget to have some pleasure when you play. Enjoy playing drums, don’t play if you don’t like it !

Last Words, Links, Hashtags and Thank You’s??? Thank you guy for the interview ! For the people who will read it : thanks for reading ! Stay tuned on YouTube when my drum covers will be online and take a look on Hurricane Bookings for cool shows in Belgium ! Peace !

There you have it peeps! Big Thx to Pierre for sharing his drum life with us.
He has some pro drum vids coming soon, so make sure you hook up with him on Soc Med for the details.
Bands, If you're ever in need of a gig in Brussels....

Thx again for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my blog and read about these really kool musicians doing their thing.

*If you would like to be featured on Talkin' Chop, just hit me up

See you guys on the flip side for Volume 9.
