Thursday, July 21, 2016

Volume 41 - Sean Bresach


* of the kool things about social media is being able to connect with people from all over the world, who share your same interest. In this case being a drummer.
What's even better is when you meet someone on social media who actually lives in your vicinity. Or even better, when that guy shows up at one of your gigs to support you and your band.
That's exactly what happened with Sean. We met on FB and it just kind of took off. He is a really down to earth kat and those of us who know him, know what I'm talking about.
It is pretty kool that I get to share his drum life with you all with this interview but believe me, there is so much more to this man.
Ladies and Gents my new friend and brother Sean Bresach is Talkin' Chop.

Name or Stage Name:
Sean Patrick Sims Bresach. My stage name is 11

Where are you from?I grew up in Downey, California and now reside in Whittier, California

How long have you been playing?

I've been playing drums for 38 years

What is or are your main genre of playing?

For me I've tried not to limit myself to just one genre of music. Over the years I've found that different genres can be used universally, for instance with some of the songs we play in church I've used Jazz, Rock, and even Waltz.

How did you get where you are now?

It's been a long road to get here filled with blood, sweat, and thousands of tears. I look at myself as the worlds okayest drummer. I haven't yet reached what you'd refer to as "the top of the mountain" but I've reached a point where I am no longer vain or smug about my abilities.

Why the drums?
As strange as it may sound I really didn't pick drums they picked me. Most of my family are drummers with the exception of my oldest son and my sister who play guitar. So you can say it's "in my D.N.A" so to speak.

We chatted a bit about you playing at your church, tell us about how that came about?

That's kind of a long story but I will keep it short. I started playing at a church while we (myself, wife, and daughter) lived in Wyoming. I met Pastor Charles when we came for my mother in laws funeral and we held my moms service at the church a few years later. We moved back to California and began attending New Beginnings Fellowship in Bellflower, California, Pastor Charles and his wife Willie asked if I would like to join the worship team and of course I couldn't say no. After around 4-5 months I joined the team as a secondary drummer, but things didn't work out with the main drummer so I was "promoted" lol to full time.

Aside from the obvious reasons, what do you think are some of the differences in playing a church gig and a secular one?

In my opinion one of the big differences is the mood that you're creating. In a church gig you're bringing everyone into a place of worship, where as in a secular gig you're bringing everyone into a place where anything goes. Mind you I'm in now way trying to put anyone down, I enjoy music both christian and secular. But as I said my opinion in difference is the mood.

Sean doing his thing at church (New Beginnings Fellowship)

You have a band called THE WAY. What type of project is this? and is there music available?

As for a classification we are a Christian band, as for style of music, and we all agree that there is no one set style. Every song is different, there are a few that actually cross genres during the song, it will start as a Metal feel then out of no where it's Jazz. At the present time we don't have anything recorded. We're kinda perfectionist. If all goes well we will be hitting the studio by early next year.

aka 11

Do you like being in a band, where you're the artist and you get to create your own vision?

I do. We do. Our process is probably way different from other bands but to me it keeps it from becoming boring. To have the freedom to just play and see and feel it all come together is very rewarding.

Are you one of the songwriters in the band?

As far as lyrics go I have a few songs written but most material is written by our guitarist Joshua Edwards. Myself and Jason Robb kinda stick to putting music to his lyrics. But for the final versions we all have input.

As a drummer, what are some of your goals, short & long term?

My personal goal is to continue growing and learning new things as a drummer, different techniques, sounds, playing styles ect. Long term I'd like to get in studio and be able to record our music. And along with that I'd love to see us grow in our walk with Jesus and to be able to spread the word through our music.

Artists you would like to play for?

As for artists I'd like to play for is hard to answer for me because most of the bands are established and I have much respect for, I wouldn't want to "step on toes" or disrespect any of them. But on that note, I don't mind naming bands I wouldn't mind playing with. Rush would be my biggest choice, there is years of experience in them and I'd be able to learn a great deal. Mushroomhead, I've been a long time fan, I've also become personal friends with Thomas Church the guitarist, but the reason is that I've always been fascinated by their drummer Skinny. Then bands as Seventh Day Slumber, Jesus Culture, Hillsong, Slipknot, Godsmack, all for different reasons.

List some of your accomplishments:

Musically it's mostly personal accomplishments, I've played at the Whisky a couple times, I recorded 2 albums with my band After Midnight (way back in high school) and done some studio work, but there's no Grammy awards or MTV awards, it will be the biggest accomplishment if we lead 1 person to the lord with our music.

Do you play any other instruments?

Not really, I can play bass but never really kept with it and I can play "More Human Than Human" by Rob Zombie on guitar but that's as far as it goes.

What are your touring experiences, if any?

As I mentioned I played the Whisky, and did a small 3 day show in Vegas, but haven't done any touring since.

Describe your current set up & gear - heads and sticks...ect?

I use a Yamaha D.P. Series 5 piece. I use 2 snares a Gretsch Catalina series as my secondary and primary I custom built myself. 18" Zildjian ZBT crash/ride, 18" ZXT crash/ride, 10" Zildjian ZXT splash, 13" Zildjian ZBT hi hats, 18" Wuhan china, Remo Pinstripe heads, Evans hydraulic bass batter head, Pulse double peddle, Yamaha rack, and Vic Firth, Techra and Ahead sticks, DW 5120 throne, and Ahead drum gloves.

Would you consider yourself a gear junkie?

I'd have to say I am. I have a plastic storage crate full of hardware, it comes out to around 3-4 full kits. On my set I am totally a junkie, I put what I know and love on my kit.

Do you have a “Dream Kit”?

There are a few kits that I wouldn't mind having, I'd start with Neil Peart of Rush, absolutely one of the most amazing kits I've seen. Joey Jordinson his kit from Vol.3. And Mike Portnoy his kit when he played for Dream Theater.

If you weren’t playing drums, what would you be doing?

I'd probably still find a way to play, but it wouldn't be as fun or meaningful as it is now. Playing in church for the Lord is so fulfilling and fun, if I wasn't playing in church I would be playing in a garage somewhere with no real purpose.

How do you describe your drumming style?

I would describe it as loose yet technical. I tend to blend different techniques throughout a set.

How has drumming impacted or changed your life?

Drumming has helped me in many ways. I suffer with clinical depression and it's a hard road but something happens when I sit down behind my kit, it's seems as though all my problems, pain, ect. just go away. When I'm playing I'm at peace.

Is Music a full time career for you?

As much as it can be. No matter what is going on i always try to find time for music, I'm hoping to be able to tour with the band, but everything in his time not ours.

Are you involved in the local music scene in your hometown, other than just playing in your band and at church?

Yes and no, there are a few local bands I support. My brother (not blood) Joey Gonzalez just released his first album Psydeshow - Testimony Of A Freak, so I'm giving a lot of support to him.

Name 5 of your drumming influences? why?

Neil Peart - I own his video Anatomy Of A Drum Solo and his approach to drumming is a great learning tool.

Shannon Larkin - I have always liked his unique style, the way he plays is just awesome.

Skinny of Mushroomhead - Big fan he doesn't do any fancy tricks or trys to be center of attention he just puts it down.

Joey Jordinson - So much talent, I've watched many videos of him and I'm still blown away.

John Bonham - Just a beast behind the kit. He could bring big booming beats or just lay back and flow.

Name an inspiring concert that made you want to go home and start shedding?

It would have to be Queensryche, I went with a friend man we got back to his place and started jamming, we thought we were sounding like them but I guarantee we didn't.

How much time do you practice?

As much as I can, any free time I have you'll find me behind my kit.

What types of things do you work on, in those sessions?

Each time I play I try to push myself beyond what I know. Currently I'm working on double hand crossovers, they are not easy.

Do you record drum videos of yourself? if so,  how has it helped you?

I've never videotaped myself, my wife has filmed me from time to time. It helps to see where I need improvement.

Do you prefer studio sessions or live gigs?

I prefer both. Studio time is where the creative juices flow and if you mess up it doesn't matter. But live, there's nothing like the feeling you get being able to look out and see hundreds or thousands of people singing your songs.

Do you have a crazy or interesting gig you can share with us?

Back in my senior year of high school I played in a band called "The Cheesecakes" (pun intended), we were invited to play in battle of the bands at a Catholic school. We were the only band not from that school. So time comes the introduce us and the auditorium is dead quiet, it was creepy. So off we go we just put it down hard, all of a sudden the place erupts to a almost deafening pitch. Back stage we get bum rushed for pictures autographs so on, all this time the other bands are performing. Needless to say the attention we got aggravated everyone so bad they disqualified us. But we had fun.

What are your words of wisdom for your fellow drummers out there?
Never stop learning new things, be willing to take time and talk with any fellow drummer, no matter how good or bad they are you can learn something from everyone. And as I've learned be humble, having a big head about your abilities will quickly loose you fans friends and even your shot at the big show.
Never stop loving being a drummer.

Last Words, Links, Hashtags and Thank You’s???

Thank yous - of course big thank you to our Lord for blessing me with the ability to play, My wife Jennifer for always picking my sticks up and pushing me back when I've wanted to quit, my kids for putting up with me. Jason, Dennis, Chris and the Robb family you all keep us going. Josh Edwards for being so talented and willing to play with this old guy. Pastor Charles and Willie for welcoming my family into our church. And to DeHaven thank you for letting me part of this, it's a great honor.


A Big Thx to Sean for talking the time to share a bit of what he is about.
Don't 4get to connect with him on Soc. Med.
I also wanted to thank Sean's wife, Jennifer and their daughter, whom I met when they came to the Olio show. Thx Guys!!!
I would also like to send a special shout out to Sean's son, Zachary, who is serving our country right now. I along with all of the readers appreciate you for your service.

See, these are the kind of drummers I wanted expose.
Why? Because everybody who is out there busting their hump, deserves to get some recognition for all the hard work they do. Every drummer so far, has been kool and really interesting for me. I would never know any of this stuff...we would just be strangers online, who like to play the drums.

Alright, so do you or someone you know want to be interviewed and get some free promo?!?!?

Just hit me up. First Come, First Served
DeHaven -

#DrummersSupportDrummers  #TalkinChop  #DrumLife


DeHaven is sponsored by Soultone Cymbals, SilverFox Drumsticks, Cympad, Cymbags, Phatfoot Drum Harness


  1. Lol that's my dad! He's the best father a girl could ever have. (I'm the oldest of them all lol) He is also a pretty damn good drummer, and I ain't just bragging.
    -Ren Bresach-Evering

    1. Hey Ren, thx 4 your comments. I'm sure your dad appreciates the love. Nothing wrong with bragging on your pops!
