Monday, February 4, 2019

Volume 69 - Ryan J.



Where are you from?
I was born in Visalia, CA but now live in Las Vegas, NV. I've been in Vegas 20 years now.

How long have you been playing?

That's a tough one. I've been playing pretty much my whole life. I think I really actually started playing around 10y/o. I had a snare drum and started learning rudiments and playing along with my mom while she played the piano.

Do you have a favorite genre to play?
Rock and Punk are my main genres I play, but I like a lot of genres. It really depends on the song. I really like funk, fusion, and blues but rarely get to play those.

You started playing when you were pretty young, how did that happen?
My family comes from a long line of musicians. My grandparents were musicians, my mom is, my sister, my aunts and uncles, etc. so it was just in the blood I guess. When I was young my parents managed a music store and they would bring home all sorts of instruments for me to mess around with but I always seemed to just want to bang on overturned trash cans or pots and pans, and my parents recognized that and kinda encouraged me to become a percussionist/drummer.

Did you know in those early years, you wanted to do this as a career?
Hm? I'm not sure. I think as a little kid, I just wanted to play drums. I don't think I ever thought about it as a job or career until I was around 12 or so. I got a paid studio gig recording some songs for a local singer and I thought, wow I can make money from doing this. I think that was really the first time I ever thought about it as a job/career. 

Now, you also studied and took things seriously. What were some of the things you learned that you still count on today?
I did. I was in marching band and drum corps and not only does it teach you how to shred, it teaches work ethic, discipline, and playing with a group. I count on all those things every time I play. It's definitely the only things I learned in school I actually still use.

So, was there a favorite band you wish you could have been the drummer for back in the day?
One of my first introductions to rock music was Journey, quickly followed by Rush. I just wanted to be as good as Steve Smith and Neil Peart but I don't think I ever thought about being in those bands, but I sure would have if given the chance.

Forward to now, you got a couple of projects happening. Let's dive in to Crimson Riot first. Tell us about the band and its unique line up...
Crimson Riot is a fairly new band. We've been a band about a year and a half now, although the three of us have been playing together for over 8 years. The band is made up of my daughter Roxy Gunn on guitar and lead vocals, her husband Chris Reject on bass, and myself on drums. It kinda happened overnight. Our other band of seven years, The Roxy Gunn Project, lost our guitar player due to some medical issues so we didn't know what to do to move forward as a band. We decided instead of replacing him, we would just create something new. We all have punk roots so we thought doing a pop punk type band would be the answer.

Were there any 2nd thoughts about having a band where you're the father and the drummer in the band? 
Not really, there are lot of family bands out there though mostly siblings or couples. It is rare I guess to have father and daughter in a band. I actually know a guy that is a dad drummer and plays in a band with two of his daughters.

Crimson Riot is kind of a Pop/Punk band but with some kool twist & turns. How would you describe your music?
We definitely fit in that pop punk genre. Roxy has written so many songs over the years and has influences of all kinds, so it really makes for some unique catchy tunes. Our old Gibson rep used to call her a tackle box because she was so full of hooks. The main goal for Crimson Riot was to have fun. Our past band was a lot more serious and technical so I'm really enjoying just playing simpler parts and just having fun.

You guys won a big contest not long ago, tell us about that...

Yes, the Topgolf company has been making a series of TV shows and they created a new one called Who Will Rock You which is a music competition show much like Idol, The Voice, but with bands. We did an audition in Vegas and they chose us to be on the show. We didn't even think we would be picked for it. We filmed over a few days winning the first, second, and final rounds that sent us to Nashville to compete in the finals against the winner of the east coast. At that point we were shocked always thinking, well at least we get a free trip to Nashville. In Nashville we threw down like it was our last show ever, and while the audience voted for the home town band, both judges picked us for the win. It was surreal. We couldn't believe we went that far much less winning the whole thing. It was a pretty amazing day.

"Hurt" - Live from Who Will Rock You

Aside from winning the contest, what did you guys gain from that experience that you can use for your future?

Being a fairly new band, I feel it gave us confirmation that we went the right direction with the band and that the songs and our writing style is well received. We made a lot of new fans, new friends, and contacts.

What's next for this band?
Well, we've played a few different shows for Topgolf around the US and have been working on our first album and playing shows in Vegas. We just recently played with punk icons, The Dickies and then a really fun show with Buck-O-Nine. We have a few small tours slated for this year starting in the spring. In the meantime, we're just writing songs and working on our album.

What is the big plan for Crimson Riot?
Release our first album ASAP and tour as much as possible, hopefully getting on some bigger tours and festivals.

How is tour life for you guys?
It's great! I love being on the road. Not only seeing all the great places, but spending time with my daughter. We have a huge RV named "Lola" that we tour in. It's basically a rolling apartment so we're totally self contained which is nice to have the comforts of home while touring and it cuts the expense of hotel rooms. Roxy is a great tour cook too. We have a great time.

What is the local scene like in the Vegas area for original bands?
It's a little weird. Vegas is a very different place as I'm sure you know. Every night there are a million things to do so sometimes the local scene gets over-shadowed. Imagine playing a show and 3 major national acts are playing that same night. We played a show once when Metallica and GnR were playing the same night. That makes for tough However, we still had a cool crowd. There are a lot of people in Vegas that really love the local scene and support it to the max despite the major acts being in town. Overall it's a great local scene. The people and venues that are in it and support it are awesome.

Are you still doing the Roxy Gunn Project?

Yes! The Roxy Gunn Project is now our working cover band. It used to be our original band as well, but once we created Crimson Riot, RGP turned into just a cover band. That's kind of our "day job". We added Vegas rock veteran Randy LeDuc as the new lead guitar player to that band. We play all around Vegas in the casino lounges, Fremont St., and a few small bars every week.

The Roxy Gunn Project - "I love Rock N Roll" and "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"

Doing the cover band gig, how do you keep it fresh and fun, night after night?

We add songs frequently so there's always something new to work on and perform. I just try to have fun with the audience and my band mates. I'll find new spots to do a stick trick or add a little extra flair to a fill. 

Describe your current set up & gear - kit, heads and sticks...ect:
I have three kits right now.

My Crimson Riot kit is a Mapex Mars series 5 piece with one rack tom and two floor toms. It's birch as has a nice bite to it which works great for fast punk tunes. The kit I use for RGP is a 6 piece DW Concept Maple series. Two rack toms and two floor toms. I use a Tama Babinga snare drum for both kits with the Creative Percussion Drum Taco instead of traditional gels. For cymbals I use a variation of Meinl's. 14" Fusion hi-hats, 16" Classic Crash, 18" Byzance Crash, 19" Byzance Crash, 22" Fusion Ride, 10" Classic Splash. I use DW hardware and pedals on both kits with Creative Percussion Cork Hammer bass drum beaters for RGP and a Creative Percussion Elite Black Window beater for Crimson Riot. Just recently I did an endorsement with CooperGroove sticks and will soon have my signature model made. Right now I'm using the Evans UV1 heads on my toms on both kits. Remo coated Ambassador on my snare. Evans Superkick 2 on my kick. I also have an Alesis Crimson II electronic kit that I use for practice and small bar gigs.

How do you like those CooperGroove sticks? Have you noticed a difference from the traditional sticks?
I love them! When I first saw them, I hated everything about them I didn't like hickory, nylon tip, or anything on the grip side. However, I'm pretty open-minded and always give new ideas a try. The owner Carlo, sent me out a couple pairs. I took them through a test drive with both bands and went HOLY CRAP these feel awesome. I was really shocked. I recently finalized an endorsement deal with them. I highly recommend giving them a try.

Do you have a "Dream Kit"?
Not really. I really like maple though. So maybe a nice custom maple kit one day for the studio. I use less expensive kits at the moment to gig with so if they get thrashed, it's not a big deal and they sound pretty decent. I'm not really a brand guy, so I couldn't even name a specific company I would go with if I was going to make a custom kit. There's a lot of smaller "boutique" companies out there making some really nice sounding drums. If I had to choose a "that kit", I think it would be awesome to own Neil Peart's kit from the 2112 days. That would be fun to play.

How would you describe your drumming style?
Well, I'm actually left handed playing right handed so I think it gives me a little more creativity in my playing. I love rudiments on the kit. I try to utilize drum corps licks in certain spots where they make musical sense. I've had a lot of very different teachers over the years and I never stop learning. I just try to apply different ideas into songs and see what works best, whether it's a funky hi-hat lick or a crazy tom pattern. I play strong yet very dynamically which I think has become a lost technique for younger drummers that just bash. It has it's place and sometimes looks cool in certain situations. However, timing is everything as they say, and that's really what's most important. That's really our job as drummers. I use the Mike Mangini Tempo Advanced app, which I HIGHLY recommend, for practice and even live to keep my bands tight.

Being lefty, why not play a lefty kit? And what was the adjustment like?
When I started playing I didn't know any better. I was just watching the guys I listened to and thought that's how you do it. Also, most of the rudiment exercises I learned when I was young always started off on the right hand and in drum corps most parts start right handed, so I just kind of went with that. I tried playing open handed a few times to see if I had any advantage, but it really didn't change anything. I've heard once that Ringo was a lefty and it's noted by the lick he plays in Come Together. 

If you weren't playing drums, what would you be doing?
I'd probably work in a recording studio. I love the recording process. If I wasn't in music at all, I'd like to work at a marketing firm. I like coming up with logos and slogans. I was a big fan of the Mad Men show.

How has drumming impacted or changed your life?

It's given me some incredible opportunities to play some great venues that I never thought I'd play. Traveling has been fun and the people I've met over the years is definitely a cool aspect of what I do. Music has given me the freedom to do what I love for a living with some amazing experiences along the way that I'm sharing with my daughter.

Crimson Riot: In Focus - A Topgolf Rockumentary

Name 5 of your drumming influences? why?

Steve Smith: He was the first drummer I heard that inspired me to play rock drums. Something about his sound and the way they produced their songs really grabbed me. They sounded so big and powerful.
Neil Peart: He was the one that introduced me to more technical, progressive drumming styles.
Buddy Rich: I saw him live when I was young and I really noticed his feel and 
groove which really impressed me, even at the young age.
Dave Weckl: I saw his client once and was blown away at how he could 
manipulate time and play within all those crazy time signatures.
EVERY DRUMMER: I'm influenced daily with the amazing invention that is the 
internet. I learn from every drummer I watch. There's always something you 
can learn from everyone. Might be a very subtle element, a huge lick or even 
a technique. I've even learned from my students on occasion.

Name an inspiring concert that made you want to go home and start shedding?
Wasn't really a concert, but I went to a clinic when I was 15 and saw Sonny Emory and Terry Bozzio. The next day I rode my bike to the record store and bought every cassette tape I could find with Terry playing on it. I played along to some Zappa stuff and the whole Spring Session M album by Missing Persons. I later found a Sonny Emory album and bought that.

How much time do you practice?
Not as much as I'd like to. I'm super busy playing out or rehearsing 4-5 nights a week between both bands but I have an extensive rudiment workout I do almost everyday just to keep my chops hot. It's about a 20 minute session.

What types of things do you work on, in those sessions?
When I do sit behind the kit, I usually work on new beats, usually from some other genre I don't normally play. I'll watch African tribal drum groups and develop beats over their rhythms or I'll find some crazy funk tune and groove over that. I also find myself creating weird licks for future solo parts or song endings. Playing so much with both bands, my timing is kind of practiced constantly. As I'm answering these questions, I'm in the middle of a four day gig playing 16 one hour sets.

The last 5+ years there has been a rise in the "shred culture" what is your take on drummers and the constant drum vids of katz just soloing?
People are gonna hate me for answering I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand I love that people are taking drumming to such a high level. I appreciate those guys out there shredding and it has it's place for sure. I have a lot of buddies that are in bands like that. My son is actually one too. He's 24 and rips it up. Now, the thing that drives me crazy, and I in no way wanna come off as some old bitter dude. Just my honest feelings on this. I see videos of people playing cover tunes with millions of views and all the drum companies throw product at them, yet some of these people have never played outside their bedroom. Or it's some super cute "bouncy" 20 y/o girl playing some tune I play 50 times a week and she gets millions of views and major endorsement deals without leaving the house. Don't get me wrong though. I love that people are drumming and having success in their own way. I'll always support any drummer having fun and accomplishing their goals.

Do you have a crazy or interesting gig you can share with us? many. The most recent one was we were hired for a private party out in the desert. It was a friend of a guy we know. It's basically a huge desert party with ATV's, dune buggies, bon fires, etc. We played a few sets and then hung out with the party goers. Lots of drinking ensues and probably some drugs smoked so it's getting a little wild. Tops are coming off and whatnot. In the middle of the area there is this massive bon fire that started with about 20-30 wooden pallets. This fire was huge! Tons of people are gathered around having a good time sharing stories, jokes, etc. Then this guy thought it would be funny to throw a few Roman candles into the fire. Next thing we know there are fire balls flying at a million miles per hour in every direction. It was like being in a war zone. We hauled ass towards our RV and ducked for cover. People we're screaming, kids crying, just a total freak out everywhere. This big guy shows up and asked who did that and a few people pointed out the jokester. The big guy walks up to this guy and slugs him dead square in the face. They were both pretty big guys. The guy runs away for a second and then returns with a gun and starts shooting. Someone tackles the guy from the back and they get the gun away from him. The whole event settles down and every goes to their camps to sleep. A few hours later the cops show up and bang on our RV door and wake us from our sleep. They question us about the incident as we are standing outside in the freezing desert night. We told them what happened, got back in our RV and drove home. What a crazy night.

What's the best compliment someone has given you about your drumming?
I usually get compliments about my timing and feel. I just actually had a fellow drummer tell me my groove was ridiculous at my last Crimson Riot show a week ago. People also say I'm really friendly and approachable, which is true. I'm a chill person and I'm very supportive of my fellow musicians.

What are your words of wisdom for your fellow drummers out there?
I'd like to leave you with a simple quote I learned from my most inspirational teacher. "Your worst day of playing drums is better than your best day of digging ditches" I always keep that in mind when I'm playing Sweet Child O' Mine for the billionth time.

Last Words, Links, Hashtags and Thank You's???I'd like to thank Talking Chop for having me. All my teachers over the years, my family for always being supportive in my crazy career, and all the great musicians I've had the pleasure of playing with.


Hey Ryan, keep doing your thing man! I dig what you're doing and I support you and the both bands.
I am a staunch supporter of Indie Bands.
Thanks so much for sharing your drum life with us.

I think we have learned some valuable bits to carry with us on our journey.
If you wish to connect with Ryan J. please follow him and his band on soc. med.
Make sure you drop a "Hello" on him.


As always my peeps, if you or someone you know would like to be interviewed for Talkin' Chop...
Contact me:

DeHaven -

I would like to thank all of my sponsors & supporters:

SJC Drums - Soultone Cymbals 
CooperGroove Drumsticks - Cympad
Cymbag - Phatfoot Drum Harness
Woodshed Stage Art - SledgePad 
Sweet Spots - Kickport


#DrummersSupportDrummers #TalkinChop



  1. Thanks DeHaven! This was fun. I hope this is inspiring and helpful to the readers.

    1. Hey man, it was fun 4 me as well. I diggin' the band and the story. Good stuff. Keep It Strong.
